
Jobs With No Boss

The easiest way to find and promote career opportunities in boss-less organizations from all over the world.
Jobs With No Boss

Core Engineer



Software Engineering
Spain · A Coruña, Spain
Posted on Feb 23, 2023

Work from anywhere in the world

We provide a remote-friendly, collaborative, and supportive environment.

Participate on equal terms

Igalians share responsi­bilities and receive equal pay.

Collaborate in person

We hold annual company-wide retreats to foster in-person connections and team integration.

Choose the right work place for you

We provide a budget to fund a co-working space, or to help run a home office.

Spend time with your new baby!

New parents receive 8 weeks of paid parental leave.

Purchase the hardware you need

Every Igalian has access to a recurring budget to spend on work-related equipment.

Create your own work day schedule

Igalians design their own schedule to work during the time of the day that is best for them.

Recharge with paid time off

Igalians have 7 weeks (35 days) of paid time off to use as they wish on vacations, national holidays, or personal downtime.

Navigate the early years with a mentor

Mentors help new Igalians integrate into the company and continue their professional development.

Collaborate with your peers

At Igalia, we care about collaboration. We work together, not compete against each other.